Simplify x675x453

.(1 point

The simplified expression is x^2 * 675 * 453.

Simplify x to the power of 675 divided by x to the power of 435

The simplified expression is x^(675-435), which simplifies to x^240.

To simplify the expression x675x453, you would multiply the coefficients and combine the variables with the same base. The simplified expression is 306,675x^2.

To simplify the expression x675x453, you need to multiply the numbers together and combine the x terms. Let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Multiply the non-x terms

675 * 453 = 306,075

Step 2: Combine the x terms

Since both terms have an x, we can simplify it as x * x = x^2

Step 3: Put it all together

Putting the numbers and the x terms together, we get the simplified expression as:


Therefore, the simplified expression for x675x453 is 306,075x^2.