8.33-0.83 the answer should be an fraction

The answer is 7.5/9.

To subtract the decimal numbers 8.33 and 0.83 and express the answer as a fraction, follow these steps:

Step 1: Write the numbers as fractions.
8.33 can be written as 8 and 33 hundredths, which is 8 + 33/100.
0.83 can be written as 0 and 83 hundredths, which is 0 + 83/100.

Step 2: Subtract the two fractions.
(8 + 33/100) - (0 + 83/100) = 8 + (33/100 - 83/100).

Step 3: Find a common denominator for the fractions.
The fractions have a common denominator of 100.

Step 4: Subtract the numerators.
33 - 83 = -50.

Step 5: Write the result as a fraction with the common denominator.
The result is -50/100.

Step 6: Simplify the fraction, if possible.
The fraction -50/100 can be simplified by dividing the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 10.
-50/100 = -5/10 = -1/2.

So, the answer to 8.33 - 0.83 as a fraction is -1/2.