List 3 traits of narrative nonfiction.(

1. Authenticity: Narrative nonfiction is based on real events and facts, and it strives to present an accurate and truthful account. It relies on thorough research and interviews to gather information and construct a compelling narrative.

2. Narrative structure: Unlike traditional nonfiction, narrative nonfiction incorporates storytelling techniques to engage the reader. It often follows a chronological or thematic structure, complete with character development, plot arcs, and descriptive settings, to create a captivating and immersive reading experience.

3. Subjective perspective: While narrative nonfiction aims to portray the truth, it is still influenced by the author's interpretation and personal experiences. It may contain the author's reflections, opinions, or biases, as long as they are clearly presented and supported by evidence. This subjective perspective adds depth and enhances the overall storytelling.

1. Factual Accuracy: Narrative nonfiction is rooted in real events, people, and places. It strives to present accurate and verified information, often through extensive research and interviews with primary sources.

2. Storytelling Elements: Narrative nonfiction uses storytelling techniques to engage readers and bring the events to life. It employs elements such as character development, plot structure, dialogue, and vivid descriptions to make the story compelling and immersive.

3. Personal Perspective: Unlike traditional nonfiction, narrative nonfiction often incorporates the author's personal perspective, observations, and experiences into the narrative. This subjective viewpoint allows the author to offer insights, reflections, and interpretations that help shape the narrative and make it more relatable for the readers.