Why did European empire builder seek support from the Roman Catholic Church as they began the global expansion efforts?

The Roman Catholic Church was so powerful that European countries did not feel it possible to do anything without his support
Having support from such a powerful organization, helps European empire builders feel like God supported their work and would help them
European leaders thought they might need help from the Roman Catholic Church to fight against indigenous peoples. Colonized peoples refuse to except European control, unless it was a supported by a higher power.

The Roman Catholic Church played a significant role in the global expansion efforts of European empire builders for several reasons:

1. Religious Justification: The Church provided religious justification for European colonization by promoting the idea of spreading Christianity to new lands. Explorers and conquerors believed that by converting indigenous peoples to Christianity, they were bringing salvation and enlightenment to these populations.

2. Moral Authority: The Church held immense moral authority during this period, and its support lent legitimacy to the actions of European empire builders. By aligning with the Church, these leaders could present their conquests as morally justifiable and sanctioned by a higher power.

3. Financial and Political Support: The Church had vast economic resources and political influence, which made it an important ally for European empire builders. They sought financial and logistical support from the Church to finance and sustain their expeditions and colonial ventures.

4. Indigenous Resistance: European powers encountered significant resistance from indigenous populations in their quest for expansion. By aligning with the Church, European empire builders hoped to counter this resistance by presenting themselves as agents of a higher power, thus strengthening their legitimacy and authority.

In summary, seeking support from the Roman Catholic Church helped European empire builders justify their actions, gain legitimacy, access resources, and counter the resistance they faced during the era of global expansion.

European empire builders sought support from the Roman Catholic Church as they began their global expansion efforts for several reasons. Firstly, the Roman Catholic Church held significant political power during this time period, and European countries believed that seeking its support would help legitimize their actions and projects. The Church's influence was so extensive that European leaders did not feel it was possible to undertake any significant endeavors without the Church's backing.

Secondly, having the support of the Roman Catholic Church provided a sense of divine endorsement for the European empire builders. Religion played a crucial role in the lives of people during this time, and European leaders believed that God supported their work and would assist them in their endeavors. By aligning themselves with the Church, they believed that they were carrying out a mission blessed by God.

Lastly, European leaders also recognized that they might encounter resistance from indigenous peoples in the regions they sought to colonize. They anticipated that indigenous populations, who often had their own religious and cultural beliefs, might be more accepting of European control if it were supported by a higher power. The Church's influence could potentially aid European empire builders in their efforts to convert and subjugate indigenous populations.

In summary, European empire builders sought support from the Roman Catholic Church during their global expansion efforts because it provided political legitimacy, a sense of divine endorsement, and potential influence over indigenous populations.