What is netiquette?

an online fishing game

being polite and using good manners when in the cyber community

the act of using the Internet to embarrass others

a post that shows pictures of people without their permission

Netiquette refers to the correct behavior and etiquette guidelines to be followed when communicating and interacting with others in the online community. It involves being polite, respectful, and using good manners while navigating the cyberspace. It's about maintaining a positive and considerate attitude towards others, following basic rules of communication, and respecting people's privacy and boundaries. It is not related to an online fishing game, embarrassing others, or posting pictures without permission.

Netiquette refers to the acceptable and polite behavior that individuals should follow while they are engaging in online communication or participating in the cyber community. It involves using good manners, respecting others, and following certain guidelines to maintain a positive and respectful online environment. Netiquette is not about online fishing games, embarrassing others, or posting pictures without permission.