Match these quartiles with their percentiles.


Q1 drop zone empty.

Q2 drop zone empty.

Q3 drop zone empty.

Q4 drop zone empty.
50th percentile.

25th percentile.

100th percentile.

75th percentile.

Q1 - 25th percentile.

Q2 - 50th percentile.
Q3 - 75th percentile.
Q4 - 100th percentile.

To match the quartiles with their percentiles, we can use the following information:

- The 25th percentile corresponds to Q1.
- The 50th percentile corresponds to Q2 (also known as the median).
- The 75th percentile corresponds to Q3.
- The 100th percentile corresponds to Q4.

So the matches are as follows:

- Q1: 25th percentile
- Q2: 50th percentile
- Q3: 75th percentile
- Q4: 100th percentile