When selecting books for the classroom you should avoid ones that include

A-Nontraditional roles like female police officers,single parents,or male secretaries
B-Stereotyped characters due to race, gender, or exceptionality
C-Characters who ressemble real people
D- Characters who are too powerful or overbearing

B-Stereotyped characters due to race, gender, or exceptionality

When selecting books for the classroom, it is important to choose books that promote inclusivity and provide diverse perspectives.

Here are the recommended steps to follow when selecting books for the classroom:

Step 1: Consider nontraditional roles:
A- Nontraditional roles like female police officers, single parents, or male secretaries should not be avoided. In fact, it is beneficial to include books that showcase a range of roles and careers, breaking gender stereotypes and promoting equality.

Step 2: Avoid stereotyped characters:
B- Stereotyped characters based on race, gender, or exceptionality should be avoided. It is important to select books that present characters authentically and avoid perpetuating stereotypes. Look for books that celebrate diversity, representation, and challenge biases.

Step 3: Embrace characters who resemble real people:
C- Characters who resemble real people are crucial for students to develop a sense of empathy, understanding, and relatability. Choosing books that depict characters with different backgrounds, experiences, and cultures can enhance students' understanding of the world around them.

Step 4: Balance power dynamics:
D- Characters who are too powerful or overbearing can be explored in books, but it is important to also include stories that emphasize collaboration, teamwork, and mutual respect. This will help students learn about healthy relationships and different ways people can use their power to make positive changes.

By following these steps, you can ensure that the books selected for the classroom promote inclusivity, diversity, and empathy while avoiding harmful stereotypes.