When selecting books for the classroom you should avoid ones that include

A-Nontraditional roles like female police officers, single parents,or male secretaries
B-Stereotyped characters due to race, gender, exceptionality
C-Characters who ressemble real people
D- Characters who are too powerful or overbearing

B- Stereotyped characters due to race, gender, exceptionality.

When selecting books for the classroom, it is important to choose ones that promote diversity, inclusivity, and positive representation. To answer your question, you should avoid books that include:

A) Nontraditional roles like female police officers, single parents, or male secretaries: This option is incorrect. It is essential to include nontraditional roles in books to challenge stereotypes and provide a realistic portrayal of society. Including diverse careers and family structures can help broaden students' perspectives and foster inclusivity.

B) Stereotyped characters due to race, gender, exceptionality: This option is correct. It is crucial to avoid books that perpetuate stereotypes based on race, gender, or exceptionality. These stereotypes can reinforce biases and have a negative impact on students' self-esteem and understanding of societal diversity.

C) Characters who resemble real people: This option is incorrect. It is important to include characters that resemble real people to create relatable and accessible narratives. Representation of diverse backgrounds, experiences, and identities helps students connect with the characters and fosters a sense of belonging in the classroom.

D) Characters who are too powerful or overbearing: This option is incorrect. Characters who are powerful or overbearing can serve as models for assertiveness and leadership when portrayed in a positive and balanced manner. It is essential to provide diverse representations of character traits and behavioral patterns to help students understand different perspectives and develop empathy.

In summary, when selecting books for the classroom, you should avoid ones that include stereotyped characters due to race, gender, or exceptionality. However, you should strive to include nontraditional roles, characters who resemble real people, and a diverse range of character traits and behaviors.