Approximate using perfect square. Identify the two integers the number is between. Show your work. 37 squared

To approximate the square of 37 using a perfect square, we first need to find the perfect squares that 37 is between.

The perfect squares closest to 37 are 36, which is 6 squared, and 49, which is 7 squared.

Since 37 is closer to 36, we can say that 37 squared is approximately the same as 6 squared, or 36.

Therefore, the two integers that 37 squared is between are 36 and 49.

To approximate 37 squared and identify the two integers it is between, we can find the perfect square that is closest to 37.

To do this, we can look at the perfect squares of the numbers closer to 37. The perfect square of 6 is 36, and the perfect square of 7 is 49.

Since 37 is closer to 36, we can approximate 37 squared as being between the perfect squares of 6 and 7.

So, 37 squared is between 6 squared (36) and 7 squared (49).