Find the area of a triangle PQR. If: SinR = 5/8, p = 12cm, q = 17cm.

To find the area of triangle PQR, we can use the formula:

Area = (1/2) * p * q * sin(R)

Sin(R) = 5/8
p = 12 cm
q = 17 cm

Plugging in the values, we have:

Area = (1/2) * 12 cm * 17 cm * (5/8)

Area = (1/2) * (204 cm^2) * (5/8)

Area = (102 cm^2) * (5/8)

Area = 510 / 8

Area = 63.75 cm^2

Therefore, the area of triangle PQR is 63.75 square centimeters.

To find the area of triangle PQR using the given information, we can use the formula:

Area = (1/2) * p * q * sin(R)

Given values:
SinR = 5/8
p = 12 cm
q = 17 cm

Substituting the values into the formula, we have:
Area = (1/2) * 12 cm * 17 cm * (5/8)

Let's calculate it step by step:
Step 1: Multiply p and q.
p * q = 12 cm * 17 cm = 204 cm²

Step 2: Find the sine of angle R.
SinR = 5/8

Step 3: Multiply the values from Step 1 and Step 2.
(1/2) * 204 cm² * (5/8)

Step 4: Simplify the expression and calculate the result.
Area = (1/2) * 204 cm² * (5/8)
= 102 cm² * (5/8)
= 102 cm² * 5/8
= 510 cm² / 8
= 63.75 cm²

Therefore, the area of triangle PQR is 63.75 square centimeters.