Find the average high temperature in Madrid in October if Hong Kong's average high temperature is 84 degrees and is 17 degrees higher than Madrid's average high. Write an equation for this.

Let x be the average high temperature in Madrid in October.

The average high temperature in Hong Kong is 17 degrees higher than Madrid's average high, so it is x + 17.

We know that the average high temperature in Hong Kong is 84 degrees, so x + 17 = 84.

Simplifying the equation, we get x = 84 - 17.

Thus, the equation is x = 67.

Therefore, the average high temperature in Madrid in October is 67 degrees.

Let's assume Madrid's average high temperature in October as "x".

According to the given information, Hong Kong's average high temperature is 84 degrees, which is 17 degrees higher than Madrid's average high temperature. We can express this as an equation:

84 = x + 17

To find the average high temperature in Madrid in October, we need to solve this equation for "x". By subtracting 17 from both sides of the equation, we get:

84 - 17 = x

67 = x

Therefore, the average high temperature in Madrid in October is 67 degrees.