How many significant digits are there in

8.5*10 to power of-2 mL
-1.0* 10 to power of-2 kJmol

The number of significant digits in each value is as follows:

51200kg - 5 significant digits
8.5*10^-2 mL - 2 significant digits
-1.0*10^-2 kJ/mol - 2 significant digits
0.007800J - 4 significant digits

To determine the number of significant digits in a number, count all the digits from the first non-zero digit to the rightmost digit. Here are the significant digits in each given number:

1. 51200kg: There are 5 significant digits (5, 1, 2, 0, 0).
2. 8.5 * 10^(-2) mL: There are 2 significant digits (8, 5).
3. -1.0 * 10^(-2) kJ/mol: There are 2 significant digits (1, 0).
4. 0.007800J: There are 4 significant digits (7, 8, 0, 0).