Kingdom hearts quiz

1. What is the name of the protagonist in Kingdom Hearts?


2. Which Disney character is Sora's sidekick throughout the series?

Donald Duck.

3. Who is the main antagonist in Kingdom Hearts?


4. What is the name of Sora's Keyblade?

The Kingdom Key.

5. Which Disney princess does Sora rescue in the first Kingdom Hearts game?

Snow White.

6. Who is the leader of Organization XIII?


7. What is the name of Sora's main friends from Destiny Islands?

Riku and Kairi.

8. Which Final Fantasy character appears as a key ally in Kingdom Hearts?

Cloud Strife.

9. What is the name of the main theme song for Kingdom Hearts?

"Simple and Clean" by Utada Hikaru.

10. Which Disney world is not featured in any Kingdom Hearts game?

Atlantis: The Lost Empire.

No, give me a question AND I answer

Sure! Here's a question for you:

11. Which character serves as the primary antagonist in the original Kingdom Hearts game?

Please provide your answer.

Make it multiple choice

11. Which character serves as the primary antagonist in the original Kingdom Hearts game?

a) Maleficent
b) Sephiroth
c) Ansem, Seeker of Darkness
d) Hades


That is incorrect. The correct answer is c) Ansem, Seeker of Darkness. Maleficent is an antagonist in the game, but she is not the primary antagonist.

Damn, your right. Give me a kingdom hearts 2 question

12. In Kingdom Hearts II, what is the name of Sora's new Drive Form that allows him to dual-wield Keyblades?

Please provide your answer.

No, no, no. All questions are multiple choice. But my answer is master?

Apologies for the confusion. The correct answer is:

12. In Kingdom Hearts II, what is the name of Sora's new Drive Form that allows him to dual-wield Keyblades?

a) Valor Form
b) Wisdom Form
c) Master Form
d) Final Form

I said master

Apologies for the confusion. You are correct. The answer to question 12 is c) Master Form. Well done!