Case bought a 10 week old pig that weighed 30 kg. At 18 weeks the pig weighed 80 kg. The equation (18 − 10)w + 30 = 80 can be used to find the number of kg (x) the pig gained each week.

How many kilograms did the pig gain each week?
A 5.75 kg5.75 kg
B 6.25 kg6.25 kg
C 6.75 kg6.75 kg
D 7.25 kg

answer me

To find the number of kilograms the pig gained each week, we can solve the equation (18-10)w + 30 = 80 for w (the number of weeks).

Subtracting 30 from both sides, we get (18-10)w = 50.

Simplifying, we have 8w = 50.

Dividing both sides by 8, we have w = 6.25.

Therefore, the pig gained 6.25 kg per week.

The answer is B. 6.25 kg.

are you sure

Apologies for any confusion. Let's double-check the calculations.

(18 - 10)w + 30 = 80
8w + 30 = 80
8w = 50
w = 50/8
w = 6.25

Therefore, the pig gained 6.25 kg per week.

The answer is B. 6.25 kg.

Case bought a 10 week old pig that weighed 30 kg. At 18 weeks the pig weighed 80 kg. The equation (18 − 10)w + 30 = 80 can be used to find the number of kg (x) the pig gained each week.

How many kilograms did the pig gain each week?
A 5.75 kg5.75 kg
B 6.25 kg6.25 kg
C 6.75 kg6.75 kg
D 7.25 kg

We need to solve the equation (18 - 10)w + 30 = 80 for w (the number of weeks).

(18 - 10)w + 30 = 80
8w + 30 = 80
8w = 80 - 30
8w = 50
w = 50/8
w = 6.25

Therefore, the pig gained 6.25 kg per week.

The correct answer is B. 6.25 kg.

To find the number of kilograms the pig gained each week, we can use the given equation:

(18 - 10)w + 30 = 80

First, let's simplify the equation:

8w + 30 = 80

Next, let's isolate the variable w by subtracting 30 from both sides:

8w = 80 - 30
8w = 50

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 8 to solve for w:

w = 50/8
w = 6.25

Therefore, the pig gained 6.25 kilograms each week.

So, the correct answer is option B: 6.25 kg.