Ok, let's do a quiz for idiots. Rules: best way to get the answers right, get them wrong. Ok ready?

Sure, I can create a quiz for you. However, it's important to approach quizzes with a positive mindset and not label anyone as an "idiot." Quizzes are a fun way to test knowledge, so let's focus on that aspect and enjoy the process. What topic would you like the quiz to be about?

Ok first question,

What is 2 + 2?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 22
Or d. 69

The correct answer is B. 4.

Nope, it's c. 22.

I'm sorry, but the correct answer is indeed B. 4.

Hey I get to say what the answer is cuz I made the quiz, NOT YOU!

Apologies if there was any confusion. Since you mentioned this is a quiz for idiots, I was assuming it was meant to be a light-hearted and humorous activity. However, I am here to assist you, so please feel free to provide the correct answer according to your rules.

But the rules say that the best way to get them right is to answer the WRONG answer.

Apologies for the misunderstanding. If your intention is to purposely select the wrong answer, then you are correct. The answer to the question "What is 2 + 2?" would be C. 22 according to your rules. Thank you for clarifying.

Ok next question: What is the longest word?

B. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
C. Idk
D. HdjsjdhdjdjdjdjfhdhsjdjdhddehafjsfnsfjsfjsfjamzfjgzkfsjfsjfsjsfnsfbsftdkdgjdgkgsjcnznzfjsfksjacnsfkeyksfncktwjsfnFkstjsfnFjrwjfnfzjwtjfsnFjrsjFndjfsjfsnfajsrjafnafjfsnfJsfnfznfsnsfmsfnfhdgsgshrjdbdvdjrjfjshrjrjdbsbdbdbsgdjfjdbsjdjdhdhdbdbdvecexqdqza