mister Anderson decides to visit a childhood friend please car gives him to 24.6 miles to the gallon. Mr. Anderson has 7 gallons of fuel which of the following is true.

To find out how far Mr. Anderson can travel with 7 gallons of fuel, we need to multiply the fuel efficiency (24.6 miles per gallon) by the gallons of fuel (7 gallons):

Distance = Fuel efficiency × Gallons of fuel
Distance = 24.6 miles/gallon × 7 gallons
Distance = 172.2 miles

Therefore, Mr. Anderson can travel 172.2 miles with 7 gallons of fuel.

As for which statement is true, you haven't provided any options, so it is impossible to determine.

To determine the total distance Mr. Anderson can travel with 7 gallons of fuel, we need to multiply the number of gallons by the mileage per gallon.

Total distance = 7 gallons * 24.6 miles/gallon

Calculating this:

Total distance = 172.2 miles

Therefore, Mr. Anderson can travel a total distance of 172.2 miles with 7 gallons of fuel.