Which of the following statements describes an important contribution of the Mauryan Empire?

The Mauryan Empire made an important contribution by establishing a centralized and efficient administrative system.

The Mauryan Empire made several important contributions during its reign. One significant contribution was the establishment of a centralized and efficient administrative system. The empire was divided into provinces, each governed by appointed officials who were responsible for collecting taxes, maintaining law and order, and implementing policies. This system helped in effectively managing a vast empire and maintaining stability.

Another important contribution was Emperor Ashoka's role in promoting religious tolerance and the spread of Buddhism. After witnessing the horrors of war, Ashoka embraced Buddhism and actively promoted its teachings. He erected pillars and edicts across the empire, advocating for morality, justice, and compassion. Furthermore, he dispatched missionaries to spread Buddhism to neighboring regions, facilitating its growth and establishing it as a major world religion.

Lastly, the Mauryan Empire made significant advancements in the field of art and architecture. The reign of Ashoka and his successors witnessed the construction of several monumental structures, such as the Great Stupa at Sanchi. These structures showcased intricate carvings, architectural innovations, and an amalgamation of Buddhist and indigenous artistic influences.

Overall, the centralized administration, promotion of religious tolerance, and advancements in art and architecture were important contributions of the Mauryan Empire.