Who was Tagdaor

There is no information available about someone named Tagdaor. It is possible that the name may be misspelled or referring to a lesser-known figure.

Oh yeah it is misleading who is Tagroth

There is no widely recognized figure or known historical figure named Tagroth. It is possible that the name is a fictional character or a minor figure in a specific context that is not widely known.


I apologize if I couldn't provide the information you were looking for. If you have any more details or context about Tagroth, I can try my best to assist you further.

I could not find any information about "Tagdaor." It is possible that the name is misspelled or that it is not a commonly known individual. Can you please provide more context or clarify the name?

I'm sorry, but I couldn't find any information about someone named "Tagdaor." It's possible that the name is misspelled or that the person you're referring to is not well-known. If you have any additional details or if there's another way I can assist you in finding information, please let me know.