How did the Renaissance and Protestant Reformation impact the Scientific Revolution? ( 1 point) People were able to participate in the formation of government People were completely isolated from religion. People became less reliant on the church. People had to follow the ideas of the church .

People became less reliant on the church.

How did the search for answers change during the Scientific Revolution? People started to use experimentation and reason. People turned to wealthy elites to find the answers to all questions People relied more on the guidance from the Catholic Church. People allowed the information from Greece and Rome to guide all answers.

People started to use experimentation and reason.

What is the definition of the scientific method? (1 point) the method by which a theory is deemed correct through a vote of responsible scientists. the process by which a theory is supported with observation and experimentation the process by which a scientific discipline is accepted by scientists. the method by which a theory is deemed correct through a vote of responsible scientists.

The correct definition of the scientific method is: the process by which a theory is supported with observation and experimentation.

Which of the following is a reform suggested by Enlightenment thinkers? (1 po religious toleration . a focus on emotional expression over rational thought. church-backed government . a return to absolute monarchy

Religious toleration is a reform suggested by Enlightenment thinkers.

be evident: That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness This quotation is evidence that some of the basic ideas in the Declaration of Independen ( 1 point ) imitations of the principles underlying most European governments of the 1700s. reflections of the philosophies of the European Enlightenment. adoptions of rules used by the Holy Roman Empire. adaptations of the laws of Spanish colonial governments in North America.

This quotation is evidence that the basic ideas in the Declaration of Independence are reflections of the philosophies of the European Enlightenment.

Which policy was practiced by Louis XIVPeter the Great, and Frederick the Great? ( absolutism westernization. religious tolerance. enlightened despotism.