what source of energy for the water cycle

a.) ocean
b.) wind
c.) moon
d.) sun

d.) sun

while visiting the beach during summer vacation, a sea breeze keeps you cool and comfortable during the hottest part of the day.

Which BEST explains why this happens?

(1 point)

a.) warm air over the land, allows cooler air from the ocean to blow inland

b.) cool air rising over lands allows warm air from the ocean to blow inland

c.) there are similarities in temperature between the land and water

d.) a thunderstorm is approaching

a.) warm air over the land allows cooler air from the ocean to blow inland

what effect does the Earth, spinning on its axis have on winds and currents? (1 point)

a.) the density of the water is it increased, causing the water to sink forming deep ocean currents

b.) global winds will move along a straight path and will have no effect on ocean currents.

c.) the moons gravitational pull on the earth is increased, causing water to move up the coast

d.) global winds will move along a curved path, and therefore cause ocean currents to curve

d.) global winds will move along a curved path, and therefore cause ocean currents to curve

Cold air is a higher pressure than warm air

(1 point)

a.) true
b.) false

b.) false

sort these statements to its meaning

high pressure systems
low pressure system
air mass

a boundary between two or more masses
a large body of air that has uniform humidity throughout
associated with rainy, snowy, or cloudy days
results in sunny days

high pressure system - results in sunny days

low pressure system - associated with rainy, snowy, or cloudy days
air mass - a large body of air that has uniform humidity throughout
front - a boundary between two or more masses

on the local news the weather person says that the relative humidity is 20% what does that mean?(1 point)

a.) 20% of the water in the atmosphere is in clouds dew or fog

b.) 20% of the water in the atmosphere is water vapor.

c.) the air contains 20% of the water vapor it can hold

d.) the air contains 80% of the water vapor it can hold

c.) the air contains 20% of the water vapor it can hold

fill in the blanks

a ______ is when a warm air masses advances on a cold air mass and _______ expected to follow

a cold front is when a warm air mass advances on a cold air mass and precipitation is expected to follow.

fill in the blanks

a ______ is when a warm air masses advances on a cold air mass and _______ expected to follow

word bank for first blank:
warm front
cold front
stationary front

word bank for second blank:
overcast cloudy days
several slow rainy days

a warm front is when a warm air mass advances on a cold air mass and several slow rainy days are expected to follow.

fill in the blanks:

clouds are formed when _____ is heated and ______, then the ______ cools and _____ and attaches to particles in the air.

word bank:
water vapor

Clouds are formed when water vapor is heated and evaporates, then the water vapor cools and condensates, and attaches to particles in the air.