Aside from discovering how many hours of practice it takes to achieve true mastery in a field of endeavor, what other striking thing did Ericsson’s study uncover? Support your answer with evidence from the text.

Aside from the number of hours of practice required for mastery, Ericsson's study uncovered the importance of deliberate practice. According to the text, "Deliberate practice involves more than simply repeating a task or activity. It's a highly focused and effortful mental activity that pushes an individual outside their comfort zone and requires full concentration." This indicates that deliberate practice, in which individuals push themselves beyond their current abilities, is a significant factor in achieving mastery in a field.

Aside from discovering how many hours of practice it takes to achieve true mastery, Ericsson's study also uncovered the concept of deliberate practice. According to the study, deliberate practice refers to a specific type of practice that involves pushing oneself beyond the comfort zone and actively seeking opportunities to improve.

The evidence from the text comes from the following statement: "Ericsson found that the most successful individuals engaged in a type of practice he called 'deliberate practice,' which entailed pushing oneself beyond the comfort zone and actively seeking opportunities for improvement."

This concept of deliberate practice is considered one of the key factors in achieving expertise in any field. It involves focusing on areas that are challenging and stretching one's abilities. Through deliberate practice, individuals can continually improve their skills and make progress towards true mastery.