According to the map, which exploration happened first?


(1 point)

Cabot (from England to Canada)
Cabot (from England to Canada)

Cabot (from England to America)
Cabot (from England to America)

Verrazano (from France to America)
Verrazano (from France to America)

Columbus (from Spain to Cuba)

According to the map, Columbus's exploration from Spain to Cuba happened first.

Portuguese is the official language of which modern day country because they claimed it as a colony?(1 point)






According to the map, the first exploration that happened was Columbus' voyage from Spain to Cuba.

To determine which exploration happened first according to the map, you can look for clues such as dates or other historical context. If the map does not provide any specific dates, you can rely on your prior knowledge or do additional research.

In this case, the explorations mentioned are:

1. Cabot (from England to Canada)
2. Cabot (from England to America)
3. Verrazano (from France to America)
4. Columbus (from Spain to Cuba)

Based on historical records, Christopher Columbus's first voyage occurred in 1492. Giovanni Cabot (also known as John Cabot) made his first voyage in 1497. Therefore, Columbus' exploration of Cuba happened before Cabot's exploration of Canada or America.

To answer the question, Columbus (from Spain to Cuba) happened first according to historical chronology.