What is fairness in kinyarwanda

Fairness in Kinyarwanda is translated as "igihugu" or "ubushake" which implies justice, equal treatment, impartiality, and equity.

To describe fairness in Kinyarwanda, you can use the word "ubutabera." Here's a step-by-step breakdown of the term:

1. Ubu: This prefix denotes an abstract concept or state of being.
2. Tabera: This word means "to divide" or "to distribute."
3. So, when you combine the prefix "ubu" and the verb "tabera," you get "ubutabera," which can be translated to fairness or equity.

Therefore, "ubutabera" is the Kinyarwanda term used to express the idea of fairness, fairness in dividing or distributing resources, opportunities, or treatment equally among individuals or groups.