An image of a large cargo vessel of around 310,00 GRT in size, in the process of exiting a canal. The vessel is initially moving at a slow speed of 3 knots, but is steadily picking up speed with the goal of reaching 13 knots. The surrounding environment should reflect calm and serene water, with the setting sun painting the sky in golden hues. In place of traditional gauges or dials, show a dynamic hourglass, subtly indicating the concept of time. The vessel is aimed towards an open vast sea, symbolizing the freedom to accelerate without any barriers.

A 310,00 GRT vessel needs to achieve a steady speed of 13 knots after exiting a canal. If the speed of the vessel before exiting the canal is 3 knots, calculate the time (in minutes) to reach the desired speed assuming that her acceleration is 0.08 knots per minute.

Convert the acceleration of the vessel to knots per hour (round up answer to 2 decimal places)

To convert the acceleration from knots per minute to knots per hour, multiply the acceleration by 60 since there are 60 minutes in 1 hour.

0.08 knots per minute * 60 minutes = 4.8 knots per hour

Therefore, the acceleration of the vessel is 4.8 knots per hour.

To convert the acceleration of the vessel from knots per minute to knots per hour, you can multiply the acceleration by 60 since there are 60 minutes in an hour.

Acceleration in knots per hour = 0.08 knots/minute * 60 minutes/hour
Acceleration in knots per hour = 4.8 knots/hour

Rounded to two decimal places, the acceleration of the vessel is 4.80 knots/hour.