Each step taken in the five steps, is likely to get you farther and farther away from crisis occurring

A- Not really, these are just a step by step process, but they don’t make someone calm down
B-Yes, the more connection you have with an individual in crisis, the less likely they are to react negatively
C- Tes, the farther you are away physically from a person in crisis, the better.The 5 steps is a great minimum distance

to maintain safety.

D- Not necessarily, the five steps can help de-escalate a crisis situation and prevent harm to oneself or others. However, they do not guarantee that a crisis will not occur.

C- Not necessarily. The physical distance between you and the person in crisis may not directly correlate with their likelihood of reacting negatively. It is important to consider other factors such as the level of trust, emotional support, and understanding you provide during the crisis situation.

A- You are correct. Each step in the five steps may not directly result in someone calming down. The process is more about creating a structured approach in handling the crisis, rather than guaranteeing immediate calmness.

B- Yes, building a connection with an individual in crisis can help reduce the likelihood of negative reactions. By actively listening, showing empathy, and providing support, you can establish trust and create an environment where the person feels safe to express their emotions without escalating the situation.