Kaput weighs 2.5 kg heavier than Maleko. Maleko weighs 3.5 kg heavier than Oreke. The sum of their weights is 94.1 kg. How heavy is Maleko?

Let's assume the weight of Oreke is x kg.

So, the weight of Maleko is x + 3.5 kg.
And the weight of Kaput is x + 3.5 + 2.5 = x + 6 kg.
The sum of their weights is x + x + 3.5 + x + 6 = 94.1 kg.
Combining like terms, we get 3x + 9.5 = 94.1.
Subtracting 9.5 from both sides, we get 3x = 84.6.
Dividing both sides by 3, we get x = 28.2 kg.
The weight of Maleko is x + 3.5 = 28.2 + 3.5 = <<28.2+3.5=31.7>>31.7 kg. Answer: \boxed{31.7}.

To find out how heavy Maleko is, let's start by assigning variables to the weights of the three individuals:

Let Oreke's weight be x kg
Maleko's weight will then be x + 3.5 kg
Kaput's weight will be (x + 3.5 kg) + 2.5 kg

Now we know that the sum of their weights is 94.1 kg, so we can write the equation:

x + (x + 3.5 kg) + ((x + 3.5 kg) + 2.5 kg) = 94.1 kg

Simplifying the equation:

3x + 9.5 kg = 94.1 kg
3x = 94.1 kg - 9.5 kg
3x = 84.6 kg
x = 84.6 kg / 3
x = 28.2 kg

Therefore, Maleko weighs x + 3.5 kg, which is 28.2 kg + 3.5 kg = 31.7 kg.

Maleko weighs 31.7 kg.