Changes in family structure may include choose all that apply moving divorce separation remarriage adoption

moving, divorce, separation, remarriage, adoption

Changes in family structure may include the following:

1. Moving: When family members relocate to a new place due to various reasons, such as job opportunities, education, or personal circumstances.

2. Divorce: The legal termination of a marriage, resulting in the dissolution of a family unit. Divorce can lead to changes in living arrangements and custody of children.

3. Separation: When married or cohabitating partners decide to live apart temporarily or permanently while still legally married or in a domestic partnership.

4. Remarriage: When a divorced or widowed individual enters into a new marital relationship, forming a new family unit with a new spouse.

5. Adoption: The process of legally and permanently assuming the parental responsibility for a child who is not biologically related to the adoptive parents. Adoption can change the family structure by adding a new member.