Math 8th grade


1. Coordinate plane
2. x-coordinate/y-coordinate
3. order pair

1. Coordinate plane: A coordinate plane is a two-dimensional graph formed by two perpendicular number lines called axes. The horizontal axis is called the x-axis, and the vertical axis is called the y-axis. It is used to locate points and represent relationships between numbers and quantities in geometry and algebraic math problems.


-----|----- x-axis

2. x-coordinate and y-coordinate: In a coordinate plane, each point is identified by an ordered pair (x, y) where x represents the distance along the x-axis, and y represents the distance along the y-axis. The x-coordinate refers to the horizontal position of a point on the plane, whereas the y-coordinate refers to the vertical position of the point.

Illustration: Let's say we have a point P located on the coordinate plane. The x-coordinate of point P is the distance from the y-axis to the point along the x-axis, and the y-coordinate of point P is the distance from the x-axis to the point along the y-axis. For example, if the x-coordinate of point P is 2 and the y-coordinate is 3, we can represent the point as (2, 3).

3. Ordered pair: In mathematics, an ordered pair is a pair of numbers written in a specific order. It is typically represented as (x, y), where x is the first number in the pair and y is the second number.

Illustration: An ordered pair can represent a point on a coordinate plane. For example, the ordered pair (4, 6) represents a point located 4 units along the x-axis and 6 units along the y-axis on the coordinate plane.

1. Coordinate Plane:

A coordinate plane is a flat surface divided into four quadrants by two perpendicular lines. The horizontal line is called the x-axis, and the vertical line is called the y-axis. The point where these two axes intersect is called the origin.

Here is an illustration of a coordinate plane:

^ y-axis

2. X-coordinate/Y-coordinate:
In a coordinate plane, each point is represented by an ordered pair written as (x, y). The x-coordinate refers to the horizontal position of a point, while the y-coordinate refers to the vertical position of a point.

For example, in the point (3, 5), the x-coordinate is 3, and the y-coordinate is 5.

3. Ordered Pair:
An ordered pair is a pair of numbers used to represent a point in a coordinate plane. The first number represents the x-coordinate, and the second number represents the y-coordinate.

For example, in the ordered pair (2, -4), 2 represents the x-coordinate and -4 represents the y-coordinate. This ordered pair corresponds to a point located at 2 units to the right and 4 units below the origin.