What is the purpose of nonfiction writing ?1. To create fictional stories 2. To express personal opinions 3. To inform, persuade, or explain a particular subject matter 4. To entertain the reader

The purpose of nonfiction writing is primarily to inform, persuade, or explain a particular subject matter. While some nonfiction writing may be used to entertain the reader, its primary goal is to provide factual information or share knowledge. Nonfiction writing also allows authors to express personal opinions and perspectives, but this is typically done in a way that supports the main goal of informing or explaining. Creating fictional stories is not the purpose of nonfiction writing, as it is focused on presenting facts and real-life events.

The purpose of nonfiction writing is primarily to inform, persuade, or explain a particular subject matter. While some nonfiction writing may contain elements of storytelling, it is not intended for creating fictional stories. Nonfiction writing also allows authors to express personal opinions, but this is not the primary purpose. Additionally, although some nonfiction works may entertain the reader, entertaining the reader is not the main objective of nonfiction writing.