Chubba has hp 1322

Attack 114
Defense 51
lvl 1 Skill: chubba swallows an enemy dealing pure damage six times damage dealt 49 each time
He gets 0.1 power per health damage and defense and 20 per skill level
Don't explain how you got the answer

Power = (114 + 51) * 0.1 + 20 = 17.5 + 20 = 37.5

To calculate the power of Chubba, we need to consider the given formulas.

Power calculation based on health damage and defense:

Power = (Health Damage * 0.1) + (Defense * 0.1)

Power based on skill level:

Power += Skill Level * 20

Now, let's substitute the given values into the formulas:

Power = (1322 * 0.1) + (51 * 0.1) + (1 * 20)
Power = 132.2 + 5.1 + 20
Power = 157.3

Therefore, the power of Chubba is 157.3.