how can you keep your files organized on your computer

A save them on your desktop
B put them all in the same folder
C create different folders sort similar files
D save them all with the same names but with with a different number at the end

C create different folders to sort similar files

To keep your files organized on your computer, follow these steps:

1. A. Save them on your desktop: Saving files on your desktop can make them easily accessible, as you can quickly locate and open them. However, this method can lead to a cluttered desktop if you save too many files there.

2. B. Put them all in the same folder: Creating a dedicated folder for all your files can help keep them organized. You can name the folder appropriately and store all similar files within it. This way, you can easily locate and manage your files.

3. C. Create different folders to sort similar files: If you have different types of files, it is beneficial to create separate folders for each file category. For example, you can create folders such as "Documents," "Pictures," "Music," "Videos," etc., and save relevant files into each folder. This method helps maintain a structured filing system and allows for easy access to specific file types.

4. D. Save them all with the same names but with a different number at the end: This method is useful when you have multiple versions of the same file. By using the same file name but adding a number at the end, you can identify different versions easily. However, it is important to note that this method may not be sufficient for organizing different types of files or grouping them based on specific categories.

Remember, organizing files on your computer is a personal preference, and you can choose the methods that work best for you based on your needs and file types.