Bobby is 98/2 inches tall Catherine is 121/3 inches tall how many inches taller is Bobby then Catherine

To calculate how many inches taller Bobby is than Catherine, we need to find the difference between their heights.

Bobby is 98/2 inches tall and Catherine is 121/3 inches tall.

To find the difference, we need to convert their heights to the same denominator.

98/2 is the same as 49 inches (since 98 divided by 2 equals 49).

121/3 can be converted to inches by dividing 121 by 3, which equals 40.33 inches (rounded to two decimal places).

Now we can calculate the difference:

49 - 40.33 = 8.67 inches.

Therefore, Bobby is approximately 8.67 inches taller than Catherine.

To find out how many inches taller Bobby is than Catherine, we need to calculate the difference in their heights.

1. First, let's convert Bobby's height to a mixed number. Bobby's height is given as 98/2 inches. Since 98 is divisible by 2, we can simplify this fraction to get 49 inches.

2. Next, let's convert Catherine's height to a mixed number. Catherine's height is given as 121/3 inches. Since 121 is not divisible by 3, we have to express it as a mixed fraction. Dividing 121 by 3 gives us a quotient of 40 and a remainder of 1. Therefore, Catherine's height in inches is 40 1/3.

3. Finally, we subtract the height of Catherine from the height of Bobby to find out the difference in their heights: 49 inches - 40 1/3 inches.

To subtract mixed fractions, we need to find a common denominator. The least common multiple (LCM) of 3 and 1 is 3. So, let's convert both fractions to have a denominator of 3:

49 inches - 40 1/3 inches
= 49 inches - (40 × 3/3 + 1/3) inches
= 49 inches - (120/3 + 1/3) inches
= 49 inches - (121/3) inches

Now, we can subtract the fractions:

49 inches - (121/3) inches
= (147/3) inches - (121/3) inches
= 26/3 inches.

Therefore, Bobby is 26/3 inches taller than Catherine.