Why is evolution called a scientific theory?(1 point)


There is lots of evidence to support it.
There is lots of evidence to support it.

Many scientists all over the world accept it as true.
Many scientists all over the world accept it as true.

It deals with topics that are completely testable in the laboratory.
It deals with topics that are completely testable in the laboratory.

It involves the formation of all living things on the planet.
It involves the formation of all living things on the planet.

All of the above responses are correct reasons for why evolution is called a scientific theory.

Evolution is called a scientific theory because it meets multiple criteria for being classified as a scientific theory. First, there is a significant amount of evidence to support it. The evidence comes from various fields of science, including paleontology, genetics, and comparative anatomy. Second, many scientists around the world accept it as true based on the available evidence. This widespread acceptance indicates the consensus among experts in the field. Third, evolution deals with topics that are testable in the laboratory. Scientists can conduct experiments and make observations to study evolutionary processes, such as genetic mutations and natural selection. Finally, evolution encompasses the formation of all living things on the planet. It explains how species change and adapt over time, leading to the diversity of life we see today.