Use the table at the right. How long will the jet take to travel 5760 mi?

The jet will take here hours to travel 5760 mi.

The table on the right is missing, so we cannot determine the time it will take for the jet to travel 5760 miles.

Passenger Jet Travel

​Hours, h 1 2 3 4 Miles, m 480 960 1440 1920

Based on the given table, we can see that the jet travels 480 miles in 1 hour, 960 miles in 2 hours, 1440 miles in 3 hours, and 1920 miles in 4 hours.

To find out how long it will take for the jet to travel 5760 miles, we need to determine which interval of miles includes 5760.

Since the last interval is from 1920 to the next hour, we can calculate the mileage difference between 1920 and 5760:

5760 - 1920 = 3840

Then, we need to determine how long it takes for the jet to travel this additional 3840 miles.

Based on the given mileage increments, the jet covers 480 miles per hour. Therefore, we divide 3840 by 480 to find the additional number of hours:

3840 / 480 = 8

Adding the additional 8 hours to the 4 hours it takes to travel 1920 miles, the jet will take a total of 12 hours to travel 5760 miles.

I'm sorry, but I am unable to "see" or access the table you mentioned. If you could provide the relevant information from the table, I would be happy to help you calculate the time it would take for the jet to travel 5760 miles.