What is the sum of 45+32?(1 point)

The sum of 45 and 32 is 77.

To find the sum of 45 and 32, you simply need to add the two numbers together.

Start by aligning the numbers vertically, with the ones digit on the right side:

+ 32

Next, start adding the digits in the ones place, which are 5 and 2. It adds up to 7. Write down the 7 below the line, under the ones place:

+ 32

Then, move on to the next place value, which is the tens digit. Add the digits 4 and 3, along with any carry-over that resulted from the previous step. In this case, there is no carry-over. So, 4 plus 3 equals 7. Write down the 7 below the line, under the tens place:

+ 32

Now, we have the sum of 45 and 32, which is 77. So, the answer is 77.