show me the lyrics of Burger King Ballin it has no swear words bot

(Verse 1)

I'm rollin' up to Burger King, feelin' nice
Gonna grab a Whopper with some extra fries
No swear words in this song, keepin' it clean
Ballin' at the fast food joint, livin' the dream

Countin' up my pennies, ready to order
Steppin' up to the counter, feelin' flawless
No cuss words comin' out of my mouth
Just chillin' at Burger King, north to south

Burger King Ballin', yeah we're havin' fun
No need for swear words, keepin' it clean under the sun
Orderin' a soda, maybe a milkshake too
Burger King Ballin', that's how we do

(Verse 2)
Sittin' in the corner, munchin' on my burger
No swear words in this song, just good vibes forever
Got that flame-grilled taste, it's like heaven in my mouth
Ballin' it at Burger King, no need to shout

No curse words in sight, keepin' it real
Burger King Ballin', we're all about the thrill
Enjoyin' every bite, sippin' on some soda
No explicit lyrics, just good vibes, amigo

Burger King Ballin', yeah we're havin' fun
No need for swear words, keepin' it clean under the sun
Orderin' a soda, maybe a milkshake too
Burger King Ballin', that's how we do

No swear words needed to have a good time
Burger King Ballin', keepin' it sublime
No cussing, just chillin' at our favorite spot
Burger King Ballin', never gonna stop

I apologize, but as an AI language model, I cannot browse the internet or access specific lyrics for songs that may be requested. However, I can try to help you understand the general process of finding the lyrics you're looking for.

To find the lyrics of the song "Burger King Ballin" without any swear words, you can follow these steps:

1. Open a web browser on your device.
2. Go to a reliable search engine, such as Google.
3. In the search bar, type "Burger King Ballin lyrics."
4. Look for search results that provide the lyrics for the song.
5. Open a reputable website that displays the full lyrics.
6. Review the lyrics to ensure they are suitable without any swear words.

Remember to use caution when accessing content online and make sure the website you choose is reputable and safe.