Take each statement and decide which part of the Declaration of Independence it belongs in.

1. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are "unalienable rights"
2. The king has refused citizens rights
3. Sometimes it becomes necessary to break away from a government
4. Government must get its power from the consent of the governed.
5. Our own government has been abolished
6. All men are created equal
7. We declare that the colonies are and should be free and independent states
8. The king has housed a large number of troops in our communities

A. Preamble
B. Natural Rights
C. Grievances
D. Resolution of Independence

1. B. Natural Rights

2. C. Grievances
3. D. Resolution of Independence
4. B. Natural Rights
5. C. Grievances
6. B. Natural Rights
7. D. Resolution of Independence
8. C. Grievances

Statements and their corresponding sections in the Declaration of Independence:

1. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are "unalienable rights" - B. Natural Rights
2. The king has refused citizens rights - C. Grievances
3. Sometimes it becomes necessary to break away from a government - D. Resolution of Independence
4. Government must get its power from the consent of the governed - B. Natural Rights
5. Our own government has been abolished - C. Grievances
6. All men are created equal - B. Natural Rights
7. We declare that the colonies are and should be free and independent states - D. Resolution of Independence
8. The king has housed a large number of troops in our communities - C. Grievances