The average temperature for December in Baltimore, Maryland, is 45.62 degrees. In December 2021, the average temperature was 58.04 degrees. How much warmer was the temperature in 2021 compared to the average year?

To find out how much warmer the temperature was in 2021 compared to the average year in Baltimore, Maryland, we need to calculate the difference between the two temperatures.

The average temperature for December in an average year in Baltimore is 45.62 degrees.
The average temperature for December 2021 in Baltimore was 58.04 degrees.

To find the difference, subtract the average temperature for an average year from the average temperature in 2021:
58.04 - 45.62 = 12.42 degrees.

Therefore, the temperature in December 2021 was 12.42 degrees warmer than the average year in Baltimore.

To determine how much warmer the temperature was in December 2021 compared to the average year, we need to calculate the difference between the average temperature in December 2021 and the average temperature for the year. Unfortunately, you haven't provided the average temperature for the year itself, so we cannot make a direct comparison.