
To simplify this expression, we can cancel out common factors in the numerator and denominator.

(-3/5) × (5/16) × (7/12) ÷ (-3/16) × (-5/7)

First, we can cancel out the common factor of 5 in the numerator and denominator:

(-3/1) × (1/16) × (7/12) ÷ (-3/16) × (-1/7)

Next, let's cancel out the common factor of 3 in both the numerator and denominator:

(-1/1) × (1/16) × (7/4) ÷ (-1/16) × (-1/7)

Now, let's cancel out the common factor of 16 in both the numerator and denominator:

(-1/1) × (1/1) × (7/4) ÷ (-1/1) × (-1/7)

Finally, we can multiply the fractions together:

-1 × 1 × 7 / 1 × 1 × 4 × -1 × -1 × 7

Which simplifies to:

-7 / 1 × 1 / 4 × -1 / -1 × 7

Now we can cancel out the 1's:

-7 × 1 / 4 × -1 × 7

And multiply the remaining numbers:

-49 / 4

So the simplified expression is -49/4.


Apologies for the mistake. Let's try again:

To simplify this expression:

(-3/5) × (5/16) × (7/12) ÷ (-3/16) × (-5/7)

We can simplify it step by step using the multiplication and division rules of fractions.

First, let's multiply the numerators together and the denominators together:

(-3 × 5 × 7) / (5 × 16 × 12) ÷ (-3 × 16 × -5 × 7)

Now, let's simplify each part of the expression:

(-105) / (960) ÷ (240)

To divide by a fraction, we can multiply by its reciprocal:

(-105) / (960) × (1 / 240)

Now let's simplify the numerator and denominator separately:

Numerator: -105
Denominator: 960 × 240

Now, let's calculate the numerator and denominator:

Numerator: -105
Denominator: 230400

Putting the fraction back together, we have:

-105 / 230400

This is the simplified expression.


To simplify this expression:

(−3/5) × (5/16) × (7/12) ÷ (−3/16) × (−5/7)

We can cancel out some factors and simplify the expression further.

(-3/5) and (5/16) have a common factor of 5, and (-3/16) and (-5/7) have a common factor of -1.

So, let's cancel out the common factors:

(-3/1) × (1/16) × (7/12) ÷ (1/16) × (1/1)

Now, let's simplify:

(-3) × (1/16) × (7/12) ÷ (1/16)

Multiplying the numerators and denominators:

(-3 × 1 × 7) / (16 × 12) ÷ (1/16)

Simplifying the result:

(-21) / (192) ÷ (1/16)

To divide by a fraction, we can multiply by its reciprocal:

(-21) / (192) × (16/1)

Multiplying the numerators and denominators:

(-21 × 16) / (192 × 1)

Simplifying the result:

(-336) / 192

We can simplify the fraction further by factoring out a common factor of 48:

(-336 ÷ 48) / (192 ÷ 48)

Simplifying the division:

(-7/4) / (4/1)

To divide by a fraction, we can multiply by its reciprocal:

(-7/4) × (1/4)

Multiplying the numerators and denominators:

(-7 × 1) / (4 × 4)

Simplifying the result:

-7 / 16

So, the simplified expression is -7/16.

How many ounces are in 12 of 15 of a 10-ounce block of cheese?(1 point)

To find out how many ounces are in 12 of 15 of a 10-ounce block of cheese, we need to calculate the fraction of the block and then multiply it by the total weight.

First, let's find the fraction:
12 of 15 can be written as a fraction as 12/15.

Next, let's calculate the fraction of the block:
Fraction of the block = 12/15 × 10 ounces

We can cancel out common factors:
= (4/5) × 10 ounces

Now, let's multiply the numerator and denominator:
= 4/5 × 10 ounces

We can simplify further:
= 40/5 ounces

And simplify the fraction:
= 8 ounces

Therefore, there are 8 ounces in 12 of 15 of a 10-ounce block of cheese.