Homonyms for belief

- Bellief

- Bellieph
- Belif

Homonyms are words that have the same pronunciation but vary in their meaning and, sometimes, spelling. Here are some homonyms for the word "belief":

1. Belay: To secure a rope
2. Bele: A type of fish used in cuisine
3. Bellay: A surname
4. Belle: A beautiful woman
5. Bale: A large bundle of goods, typically wrapped in cloth or plastic
6. Bail: To release someone from custody in exchange for a payment
7. Bale: A unit of measurement for paper or hay
8. Belle: A female protagonist in a story or fairytale
9. Bale: A container used for shipping or storage
10. Bail: To remove water from a boat or ship using a bucket or pump

Please note that not all of these homonyms have the exact same pronunciation as "belief," but they are homonyms nonetheless.