lare follows the same workout cycle each time she goes to the gym. First, she runs for

of an hour. Then, she lifts weights for
of an hour. If Clare has 1
hours to spend at the gym, how many times can she go through her workout cycle?


I apologize for the error in my previous response. You are correct.

If Clare's workout cycle consists of running for 1/3 of an hour and lifting weights for 1/6 of an hour, the total time for one workout cycle is:

1/3 hour + 1/6 hour = (2/6 + 1/6) hour = 3/6 hour = 1/2 hour

Since Clare has 1 1/2 hours to spend at the gym, she can go through her workout cycle:

1 1/2 hours / 1/2 hour = (3/2) / (1/2) = 3 times

Clare can go through her workout cycle 3 times.

To find out how many times Clare can go through her workout cycle, we need to determine the total time it takes for each cycle and divide it by the time she has available.

First, Clare runs for 1/3 of an hour, which is equivalent to 20 minutes (since there are 60 minutes in an hour).
Then, Clare lifts weights for 1/6 of an hour, which is equivalent to 10 minutes.

So, the total time for one workout cycle is 20 minutes (running) + 10 minutes (lifting weights) = 30 minutes.

Since Clare has 1 1/2 hours to spend at the gym, we need to convert it to minutes.
1 1/2 hours = 1 hour + 30 minutes = 60 minutes + 30 minutes = 90 minutes.

Now, we can divide the total time Clare has available (90 minutes) by the total time for one workout cycle (30 minutes) to find out how many times she can go through her workout cycle.

90 minutes รท 30 minutes = 3.

Therefore, Clare can go through her workout cycle 3 times.

To find out how many times Clare can go through her workout cycle, we need to add up the time she spends running and lifting weights:

1/3 hour + 1/6 hour = 1/2 hour

Since Clare has 1/2 hour to spend at the gym, she can go through her workout cycle once.