Your hand jerks up after touching a hot stovetop. Which two organ systems are most responsible for your reaction?(1 point)


nervous and respiratory
nervous and respiratory

nervous and muscular
nervous and muscular

circulatory and muscular
circulatory and muscular

immune and muscular

nervous and muscular

The correct answer is the nervous and muscular systems.

When your hand touches a hot stovetop, your nervous system sends signals to your muscles through neurons, triggering an immediate and involuntary response. This response is known as a reflex action. The nervous system is responsible for detecting the heat and transmitting the signal, while the muscular system is responsible for carrying out the physical action of jerking your hand away from the stovetop to avoid further injury.

The two organ systems most responsible for your reaction when your hand jerks up after touching a hot stovetop are the nervous system and the muscular system.