The cost of renting a truck from Hamilton Auto Rental is ​$49.05 per day plus ​$0.30 per mile. The expression 49.05 plus 0.30 m represents the cost of renting a truck for one day and driving it m miles. Evaluate 49.05 plus 0.30 m for m equals 110.

The cost of renting a truck for one day and driving it 110 miles is ​$______

The cost of renting a truck for one day and driving it 110 miles is ​$82.05.

To evaluate the expression 49.05 plus 0.30m for m equals 110, we substitute m with 110 in the expression.

49.05 + 0.30(110)

Now, we perform the multiplication: 0.30 x 110 = 33.

49.05 + 33

Finally, we perform the addition: 49.05 + 33 = 82.05.

Therefore, the cost of renting a truck for one day and driving it 110 miles is ​$82.05.