Emile was a two-year-old boy living in Meliandou, a village in the West African nation of Guinea. In December 2013, Emile may have been bitten by a fruit bat, a common animal in West Africa. On December 26, he became ill. He died two days later. By January 14, his three-year-old sister, his mother, and his grandmother had also died. No one yet realized it, but researchers now believe Emile was patient zero—the first person to contract and begin spreading the Ebola virus during this outbreak. There have been more than two dozen Ebola outbreaks since the virus’s discovery in 1976. The 2014 outbreak quickly became by far the most devastating.

Use the passage to answer the question.

What technique does the writer use to engage readers in this introductory paragraph?


using a vivid image or description

telling an interesting or surprising fact

telling a brief related story

using a connection to the readers’ experiences

The correct answer is telling a brief related story. The writer engages readers by sharing the account of Emile and his family, drawing them into the narrative and setting the stage for the rest of the article.

Why is it useful to compare the introductions of two explanatory texts? Select the two correct answers.


It can help you determine which one will be more enjoyable to read.

It can help you learn different techniques for your own writing.

It will tell you how long each text is.

It will tell you which author is more knowledgeable about their topic.

It can show you which text is more persuasive.

The two correct answers are:

- It can help you learn different techniques for your own writing.
- It can show you which text is more persuasive.

What is an explanatory text


writing that provides information, ideas, and facts

writing that helps clarify the meaning of an unfamiliar word

the facts and information that supports an idea or analysis

the statement that explains the central idea, claim, or focus of a text

The correct answer is "writing that provides information, ideas, and facts." Explanatory text is a type of writing that aims to explain a concept, topic, or idea by providing information, ideas, and facts in a clear and concise manner.

Emile was a two-year-old boy living in Meliandou, a village in the West African nation of Guinea. In December 2013, Emile may have been bitten by a fruit bat, a common animal in West Africa. On December 26, he became ill. He died two days later. By January 14, his three-year-old sister, his mother, and his grandmother had also died. No one yet realized it, but researchers now believe Emile was patient zero—the first person to contract and begin spreading the Ebola virus during this outbreak. There have been more than two dozen Ebola outbreaks since the virus’s discovery in 1976. The 2014 outbreak quickly became by far the most devastating.

Use the passage to answer the question.

What topic does this introductory paragraph introduce?


the story of Emile and his family

the theory of how viruses spread

the 2014 Ebola outbreak

the history of the Ebola virus

The correct answer is "the story of Emile and his family." The introductory paragraph introduces the story of Emile, his illness, and the subsequent deaths of his family members. It sets the stage for the rest of the passage.