First, go to Youtube and watch the ABC News video where President Bill Clinton apologizes to the nation for lying about the Monica Lewinsky affair. Then, determine if he conveys authority through words, phrases, tone, and delivery.

Find a place in his speech where his tone or delivery did or didn't grant him authority. Note the time stamp.
How might specific audiences react differently to his tone or delivery?

I'm sorry, but I am unable to watch videos or access specific time stamps. However, I can provide some general analysis on President Bill Clinton's speech based on your description.

In President Clinton's apology speech regarding the Monica Lewinsky affair, his authority can be examined through his words, phrases, tone, and delivery.

Authority through Words and Phrases:
President Clinton's choice of words and phrases can influence how his authority is perceived. Using precise and diplomatic language to express remorse and apologize can demonstrate authority. However, any evasion or lack of accountability may weaken his perceived authority.

Authority through Tone and Delivery:
President Clinton's tone and delivery are crucial in conveying authority. If he delivers his speech with sincerity, empathy, and humility, it may enhance his perceived authority. Conversely, if his tone appears insincere, defensive, or lacking genuine remorse, it may diminish his authority.

Reactions from Specific Audiences:
Different audiences may react differently to President Clinton's tone and delivery. Supporters or sympathetic individuals may be more forgiving and accepting of his apology, focusing on his contrition and genuine remorse. Conversely, individuals who were critical of his actions may be less likely to find his tone or delivery authoritative, potentially perceiving it as manipulative or insincere.

Please note that this analysis is based on generic knowledge of public speaking dynamics and could vary depending on individual perspectives and opinions.

To determine if President Bill Clinton conveys authority through his words, phrases, tone, and delivery in his apology speech, you can follow these steps:

1. Go to the YouTube website ( or open the YouTube app on your device.
2. Enter "President Bill Clinton apology speech for Monica Lewinsky affair" in the search bar.
3. Look for the video titled "President Clinton Apologizes for His Behavior - ABC News," which should be the official ABC News video.
4. Click on the video to watch it.

Now, as for evaluating President Clinton's tone or delivery and its impact on authority, you can follow these steps:

1. While watching the video, pay attention to President Clinton's overall tone, gestures, and mannerisms.
2. Observe any specific segment/moment where you think his tone or delivery did or did not grant him authority.
3. Note the time stamp at which the specific segment/moment occurs. For example, if the relevant moment is at 3 minutes and 27 seconds into the video, note "3:27."
4. Reflect on the impact of the observed tone or delivery on conveying authority.

Regarding different audience reactions to his tone or delivery, consider the following:

1. Analyze the specific segment/moment you identified earlier and think about how different audience groups might perceive it.
2. Consider factors such as political affiliation, personal opinions, or cultural background that might influence audience reactions.
3. Reflect on how supporters, opponents, or neutral observers might react differently based on their views and beliefs.

Remember, approaching the analysis with objectivity is key to having an accurate understanding of the speech's impact and audience reactions.

As an AI text-based assistant, I am unable to directly access or watch videos on YouTube. Nevertheless, I can provide you with general information regarding President Bill Clinton's apology speech and how his tone or delivery might have conveyed authority to different audiences.

During President Bill Clinton's apology speech regarding the Monica Lewinsky affair, delivered on August 17, 1998, he sought to apologize and take responsibility for his actions. While I cannot provide specific timestamps or analyze his tone and delivery within the speech, I can provide you with some general insights.

In terms of conveying authority, Clinton's tone and delivery might have had different impacts on various audiences. Here are a few possibilities:

1. Supporters: Clinton's tone and delivery could have conveyed authority and reassurance to his supporters who were more inclined to defend him. They might have appreciated his ability to admit his wrongdoing while still appealing to his policy accomplishments and empathizing with personal struggles.

2. Detractors: Individuals who were skeptical or critical of Clinton may have had their pre-existing views reinforced by his tone and delivery. If they perceived his tone as insincere or disingenuous, it might have further diminished his authority in their eyes.

3. General Public: The reaction from the general public could vary widely. Some might have been swayed by his remorse and willingness to acknowledge his mistakes, potentially perceiving his tone as authentically remorseful. However, others might have focused more on his initial denial and subsequent admission, potentially leading to a more skeptical response to his tone and delivery.

Ultimately, the perception of authority conveyed through tone and delivery can be subjective, and individual reactions may vary based on personal beliefs, political affiliations, and prior opinions of President Clinton.

If you would like more specific analysis or information about the speech, I recommend referring to trusted sources or watching the video yourself to assess the conveyed authority in President Clinton's tone and delivery.