How does the period when a historical account is created affect it? (1 point)


Older accounts of the past are always less accurate than newer ones.
Older accounts of the past are always less accurate than newer ones.

Modern accounts of the distant past lack credibility because of a lack of evidence.
Modern accounts of the distant past lack credibility because of a lack of evidence.

Accounts about more recent events are always more accurate.
Accounts about more recent events are always more accurate.

The political and social situations of the time can have influence on the historian.

The political and social situations of the time can have influence on the historian.

The period when a historical account is created can have several effects on it. One of the effects is that older accounts of the past are not always as accurate as newer ones. Over time, new evidence can emerge or new interpretations can be made, leading to a more accurate understanding of historical events.

Additionally, modern accounts of the distant past often lack credibility because of a lack of evidence. Historical events that occurred a long time ago may not have been well-documented or have left behind limited evidence. This can make it difficult for historians to accurately reconstruct the past.

It should be noted that while older accounts may not always be as accurate, accounts about more recent events are not automatically more accurate either. Historical accounts can still be biased or influenced by the context and perspectives of the time.

Lastly, the political and social situations of the time when a historical account is created can also have an influence on the historian. Their own beliefs, values, and societal pressures can shape how they interpret and present historical events. This means that historical accounts can be influenced by the biases and perspectives of the historian.