Use long division to convert 2750 to a decimal.(1 point)

To convert 2750 to a decimal using long division, divide 2750 by 1000:

1000| 2750

The result is 2.750.

Use long division to convert 27/50 to a decimal.(1 point)

To convert 27/50 to a decimal using long division, divide 27 by 50:

50 | 27.00
- 25
- 20

The result is 0.54.

convert 3/38 into a decimal

To convert 3/38 into a decimal, divide 3 by 38:

38 | 3.00000000000000
- 114
- 76
- 76

The result is approximately 0.078947, or 0.079 rounded to three decimal places.

Use long division to convert 3 3/8 to a decimal.(1 point)

To convert 3 3/8 to a decimal using long division, first convert the mixed number into an improper fraction:

3 3/8 = (3*8 + 3)/8 = 27/8

Then, divide 27 by 8:

27 รท 8 = 3.375

So, 3 3/8 is equivalent to 3.375 as a decimal.

convert 4/15 into a decimal

To convert 4/15 into a decimal, divide 4 by 15:

15 | 4.00000000000000
- 30
- 10

The result is approximately 0.2666666... However, this decimal is a repeating decimal with the 6 repeating infinitely. To round the decimal to a specific number of decimal places, you can approximate it. Rounded to three decimal places, the result is 0.267.

Use long division to convert 4/15 to a decimal.(1 point