Root cells obtain energy through the process of aerobic respiration, where they break down glucose in their mitochondria to produce ATP, the energy currency of cells. They can also obtain some energy through anaerobic respiration, which occurs in the cytoplasm, where glucose is partially broken down to produce a small amount of ATP, as well as other byproducts like ethanol or lactic acid.

Root cells acquire energy by undergoing aerobic respiration, a process in which they metabolize glucose inside their mitochondria to generate ATP, the cellular energy source. Additionally, they can also derive some energy from anaerobic respiration, which takes place in the cytoplasm. During this process, glucose is incompletely broken down, resulting in a limited production of ATP along with byproducts such as ethanol or lactic acid.

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Root cells primarily rely on aerobic respiration to obtain energy, utilizing mitochondria to break down glucose and produce ATP. In addition, they can also derive a small amount of energy through anaerobic respiration, which occurs in the cytoplasm and involves the incomplete breakdown of glucose, leading to the production of ATP and byproducts such as ethanol or lactic acid.

I like the sentence obtain, utilize?, Produce, Derive, occurs, incomplete, leading.

Root cells obtain energy through the process of aerobic respiration, utilizing their mitochondria to break down glucose and produce ATP. They can also derive some energy through anaerobic respiration, which occurs in the cytoplasm and involves the incomplete breakdown of glucose, leading to the production of a small amount of ATP and byproducts such as ethanol or lactic acid.

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Root cells acquire energy primarily through aerobic respiration in their mitochondria, breaking down glucose to produce ATP. They can also obtain a lesser amount of energy through anaerobic respiration in the cytoplasm, where glucose is partially broken down, resulting in ATP production along with byproducts like ethanol or lactic acid.

can you help me In three to five sentences, explain why animal cells do not require a cell wall or a central vacuole for their functions.(4 points)

Animal cells do not require a cell wall because they depend on their flexible plasma membrane to provide support and maintain cell shape. Unlike plant cells, animal cells do not undergo turgor pressure, which is the force exerted by the swelling central vacuole against the rigid cell wall. Instead, animal cells possess cytoskeletal elements like microfilaments and microtubules that help maintain cell structure and provide mechanical support. Additionally, animal cells do not store water like plants do in the central vacuole, as they have specialized organelles such as lysosomes and peroxisomes for storing and breaking down cellular waste materials.

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