For each set, write which word does not belong. Then, explain what the other three words have in common.

Mayflower Compact
Stamp Act
Declaratory Act
Quartering Act


Legal documents

Boycott goods
Search houses
Fight a war
Destroy tea


Word that does not belong: Mayflower Compact

Explanation: The other three words in this set are all acts or laws passed by the British government during the colonial period. The Mayflower Compact, however, was a document created by the Pilgrims aboard the Mayflower ship to establish a form of self-government in the early Plymouth Colony.


Word that does not belong: Paint

Explanation: The other three words in this set are all natural resources that are commonly found or grown in the environment. Paint, on the other hand, is a man-made product that is not directly derived from the environment.


Word that does not belong: Troops

Explanation: The other three words in this set are all written or printed materials. Legal documents, newspapers, and calendars are all types of documents or publications. Troops, however, refers to a group of soldiers or military personnel and does not fit the category of written or printed materials.


Word that does not belong: Fight a war

Explanation: The other three words in this set are actions or methods associated with resisting British control during the American Revolution. Boycott goods, search houses, and destroy tea are all tactics utilized by colonists during this time. "Fight a war" is a broader concept that includes numerous actions and strategies, and thus, does not fit the specific context of resisting British control within this set.

Set 1:

The word that does not belong is Mayflower Compact.
The other three words, Stamp Act, Declaratory Act, and Quartering Act, are all acts that were passed by the British government during the colonial period of America. These acts were aimed at exerting control over the colonies and asserting British authority.

Set 2:
The word that does not belong is Paint.
The other three words, Minerals, Timber, and Crops, are natural resources that can be found and harvested from the environment. Paint, on the other hand, is a manufactured product that utilizes some of these resources, but it is not a natural resource itself.

Set 3:
The word that does not belong is Troops.
The other three words, Legal documents, Newspapers, and Calendars, are all forms of communication or information dissemination. They are mediums through which information can be shared, preserved, or organized. Troops, while linked to the idea of governance and authority, are not a means of communication or information dissemination.

Set 4:
The word that does not belong is Fight a war.
The other three words, Boycott goods, Search houses, and Destroy tea, are all actions taken by the American colonists during the period leading up to the American Revolution as a form of resistance against British rule. "Fight a war" is a broader concept that encompasses various actions and strategies undertaken during the actual conflict, rather than specific acts of resistance or protest.