1.2 Name the four categories taken into consideration in the provision of specialised education for learners with special disabilities.

The four categories taken into consideration in the provision of specialized education for learners with special disabilities are:

1. Intellectual disabilities: These include learners with significantly below-average intellectual functioning and limitations in adaptive behavior. They may have difficulties with conceptual, social, and practical skills.

2. Learning disabilities: These include learners with specific difficulties in acquiring and using academic skills. They may have challenges with reading, writing, math, or other areas of learning.

3. Physical disabilities: These include learners with physical impairments or health conditions that affect their ability to move, manipulate objects, or participate in physical activities. Examples include learners with mobility limitations or chronic health conditions.

4. Sensory disabilities: These include learners who are deaf or hard of hearing, blind or visually impaired, or have other sensory impairments. They may require specialized instruction and support to access information and communicate effectively.

In the provision of specialized education for learners with special disabilities, four categories are taken into consideration:

1. Physical Disabilities: This category includes learners who have mobility impairments, such as those who use wheelchairs or have limited motor skills. Specialized education addresses the unique needs of these learners, including accessible facilities, adaptive equipment, and assistive technology.

2. Intellectual Disabilities: Learners with intellectual disabilities have limitations in intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior. Specialized education for these individuals focuses on developing functional skills, promoting independence, and providing supports tailored to their specific strengths and challenges.

3. Sensory Disabilities: This category encompasses learners with visual or hearing impairments. Specialized education for these individuals involves using alternative methods of communication, providing accessibility tools like Braille or sign language interpreters, and creating an inclusive learning environment that supports their unique sensory needs.

4. Communication Disorders: Learners with communication disorders may experience difficulties in language development, speech production, or social communication skills. Specialized education for these individuals includes speech therapy, additional communication supports, and interventions to enhance their verbal and non-verbal communication abilities.